Monday, February 28, 2011
We have a couple of new puppy additions (so to speak).....
Friday, February 25, 2011
You want me to write WHAT?
"You want me to write WHAT for you?" And who is this card for.....yes, a card for her "boyfriend" at school......Yes, she is 5. Hmmm. This went over really well with RyDaddy, as you can imagine. |
As I restraightened up the art center once again, K-Rae began a game of memory on our dining room chair. |
And once she got bored with that, added Wonder Pet stickers to our dining room window....lovely... |
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Interpretations of life from a 3 and 5 year old
New jammies from Creammie & Grandpa |
I'll leave you with a quick movie clip of a Bible story that K-Rae has worked on memorizing with Daddy.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Lion's Club Carnival
it was a little too wild and crazy for me.
so it was worth the couple hours of insanity.
Red velvet cake might be the key to my heart.... especially after it has been licked by K-Rae. |
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Happy President's Day!
Friday, February 18, 2011
A peek at our random day....
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Little Miss Mae greeting Pooh
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Can I just say, I love blogging so much more than housekeeping???!
and diced and browned
How many 3-year-olds do you know that love jicama…. well, now
you know one---
K-Rae keeps asking me for more.
Friday, February 11, 2011
So, what has K-Rae been up to lately?
She has also been creating “people” with her jump rope and popsicle sticks….she loves to create!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
So---that extra five minutes of sleep really didn't pay off today....
Oh-and for those of you wanting to leave comments, I've edited the comments setting so anyone that wants to can leave a comment now, without being a registered follower of the blog....don't make me regret that liberty and keep it appropriate please! :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
THE dilemma
It's there-
I can see it from the window-
Tempting me,
Full of ads......
Is City Market still having their
MEGA EVENT sale???
I ponder....
I only bought enough green beans
to last half the year---
I wonder if they still have them on sale?
I should top off the year,
and have RyDaddy build me
a place to store them!
But "Oh baby-it's COLD outside!"
Probably hasn't even hit zero yet.
Wish my dog knew how to do something
other than squeak his squeaker toy
then I would send HIM
to fetch it.....
What to do about this dilemma....
There is only one logical choice at this point...
Hey K-Rae---do you want a job???
K-Rae: "Jobs? I LOVE jobs!...
Can I take Kozy with me?????"
SWEET! Perfect resolution....
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
When we grow up, do you guys grow smaller?
Conversations with K-Rae often seem to turn to some sort of theological discussion for whatever reason. I suppose her three-year-old mind is trying to make sense of this world, our beliefs, cultural traditions, and how it all may, or may not fit together. The latest question I’ve been asked numerous times is: “When we grow up, do you guys (meaning Daddy & Mama) grow smaller?” This question surfaced once again on Sunday morning, while we were waiting in the van for RyDaddy to finish collecting a few things we had forgotten for church. Now seriously….how do you answer that question for a three-year-old? I didn’t answer her right away; I was trying to decide what to say, and pondering if I ignored the question once again, that maybe she would once again forget that she asked it, and move onto the next topic! But, no, I was not to be let off the hook that easily…she asked again: “When we grow up, do you guys grow smaller…..” I tried the “When we grow old, we all die, and if we have Jesus living in our hearts we go to heaven approach…” That instigated the next question, before I really even had time to finish the first answer…… “Did the dinosaurs have Jesus in their hearts?” And then before I could even think about how to answer that one, “Jesus will keep us safe and not let us die, huh?…..” Oh man… that point I was wishing I had been the one to go collect the various things we had forgotten! Fortunately, RyDaddy came into the van and the conversation was diverted, just before it got too complicated for me! I suppose somehow God will give us the patience and wisdom we need to raise these girls, and will help us figure out answers for the hard questions. And even though K-Rae announced to us a couple of weeks ago that she asked Santa Claus to come live in her heart, (Little Miss Mae about died laughing when K-Rae announced that), I suppose God might be somewhat humored by her interpretation of theology……so to wrap it up for today, my theological question is: Jesus, is there room in K-Rae's heart for you and Santa Claus both, at least for little awhile???