One of the highlights of summer was having a life size animated
T-Rex right in our own hometown.
After they got over being scared of him, the girls loved him.
Little Miss Mae even named him "Grounder."
The girls loved him so much, we decided to take our god children to see
T-Rex this past weekend, when they came to stay with us.
"Its name is Grounder."
K-Rae really wanted to try to be scared!
5 kids at the museum: ages 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7; plus pregnant mama....yeah, we know what those looks people gave us were about! It made a great outing anyhow!
Little Miss Mae's first day of first grade went super!
And K-Rae was so excited for her first day of preschool! She didn't even need Mom to stay awhile (sniff, sniff), and wasn't ready to leave when Dad picked her up! And they were both exhausted tonight and fell right asleep!
The zucchini plants are taking over the place; we're anxiously awaiting the tomatoes turning red, and we gave up on the third garden, tilled it up and will try some cold weather crops here in a couple of months.
Our new endeavor...composting, or keeping K-Rae out of the composter, we'll see which!
And taking time to smell, or at least photograph the roses....