If you've read the first part of this posting,
scroll down half way or so to see the added pics
from the rest of the hospital stay.
Welcome Samuel David "Sammy" to our family!
Sammy was born March 2, 2012 at 7:46 p.m.; weighing 6 lb. 12 oz.; 19.5" in length.
He arrived (finally) after 36 hours of labor
which included 90 min. of pushing
(with no success) and ended up coming by
Despite the somewhat traumatic labor, he is a healthy, happy and contented little guy,
and after 5 days in the hospital, we're all glad to be home!
For those of you who want the full story....
the day we thought he might be born was the biggest snowstorm we've had so far this season. K-Rae headed out to play in it first thing....
I had hoped to go to therapy with Little Miss Mae that morning, but her transportation driver told me I wasn't driving anywhere in that snowstorm! In hindsight, that was good, as by that point, I was actually already in labor of sorts, and just didn't quite realize it. After calling the doctor's office later that morning and letting the nurse know I thought my amniotic fluid may be leaking, she had us come right in. Come to find out, my water had actually broken at some point, and we were admitted directly to the hospital. At this point I really wasn't in much pain or having many contractions.
The snow continued, and then stopped, continued some more, and then stopped again...somewhat the way my contractions seemed to progress. Ryan got bored and got some great weather shots...
and almost got himself admitted to the hospital trying to fix the shades for me...
At some point about 4:30 the next morning, he got really bored and decided to use my phone and give my sister and his mom an update via text that nothing exciting was happening. My sis was a good enough sport about that....his mom on the other hand texted back:
The response was a bit surprising; it was then we figured out he had texted her old phone number, so whomever has that number now, wasn't real impressed with the early morning wake up call. It gave us a good laugh and some much needed stress relief! By that time, my water had been broken for 24 hours, sort of the cut-off for the waiting game to avoid infection.

At some point that morning the nurses started pitosin, to help contractions pick up---and that they did. Fortunately, no pictures of the next several hours of agony exist. That may make it easier to forget. I've had two babies natural birth before, this pain topped those quite extensively. Little Sammy was "sunny side up" as they said, trying rather unsuccessfully to come out with his face going the wrong direction. At some point when I was 9 cm. dilated, and had been in labor about 30 some hours at that point, I begged, cried and pleaded for an epidural. Of course my birthing coach, RyDaddy, is my true hero through this process, but the anesthesiologist held a really close second. The epidural worked quickly, and I really don't know why I insisted having two babies prior with no pain meds. I was able to rest a bit, get a hold of the contractions, and push for about an hour and a half. After that point, our midwife called in a specialist to see if he could "turn" the baby. He told us he almost always can coax a baby out of the "sunny side up" position, but Sammy was having none of that. I'd been in labor close to 36 hours at that point....next "choice" which really wasn't a choice, c-section...So off we went....I just wished we could've made that decision about 30 hours earlier!!!!

and one last belly pic....!
After the surgery...
they got him cleaned up pretty fast, and the only time he cried was coming out and during that initial toweling off---those cries are like music to the ears of parents whose first baby was born blue (Little Miss Mae.)
Time to meet Mama face to face:
Daddy is so proud!
Then all the details...that Mama missed out on due to still being in surgery, so I am thankful for the pics, RyDaddy! Sammy was a trooper through it all!
First time to hold Sammy while RyDaddy shares the good news with family that is more than anxious by this point!
Getting his hair washed.....a nice little cone head due to all that unsuccessful pushing...
dried, off, swaddled up and ready to go! I was glad I at least got to watch that part!
And I hope those gorgeous eyes stay blue!
More pics from hospital stay added below...
Sammy's DAY 1 of this thing called LIFE......
This is our midwife, who helped deliver, even though we ended up going the c-section route...
Our surgeon and midwife; they were both amazing: when I asked to take Dr. H's pic though, he asked me, "Is this for the baby book or are you suing me???"
The girls first time to see Sammy....
Grrrrrrrrrandpa and Sammy
Creamie and Sammy
"Can someone make this baby stop crying????"
3 generations....
The beautiful bouquet was from our church family (CWWC).
First teddy bear.......
My best friend from Montrose and her family came to visit us at the hospital....these kiddos are also our godchildren.
Sammy Day 2 & 3 of life....
Grandma Tree came to help out...couldn't have done it without her! RyDaddy got to go home for a couple of nights and get some much needed rest, mom and Sammy got spoiled by Grandma.
Spent some time suntanning......
First bottle......supplementing mom a bit to try to get a few more calories down little Sammy.
Technically, it's almost time to go home when this pic was taken....you can see how keen I am on that idea......granted, it was almost midnight.....hospitals operate on weird hours!
Mom's first time to change Sammy's diaper, right before leaving to go home on day 5 at the hospital...Sammy managed to pee all over himself, mom, dad and everything in the nearby vicinity.....changing boys is a whole different ball game than girls!
Ready to go!!!!
Saying goodbye to our favorite nurse.
First pic with both mommy and daddy....
Loving the new car seat....thanks for the awesome gift Auntie Sara and Uncle Johnny
Home around 12:30 a.m. or so after 5 longs days in the hospital.....
& two tired boys!