Yeah-so I was THAT mom today.....
You know, the grouchy one you sometimes see, whose children you feel sorry for....well, sorry to admit it, but today that was me. A seemingly simple activity of going to the park for much needed fresh air/picnic/play time---took on a life of its own. I'll spare you the details, but trying to keep an eye on my 3-year-old monkey at a big downtown park and help my 6-year-old who really isn't feeling well but wants to walk everywhere, is not an activity that should be tackled alone---note to self. Anyhow, I got home, frustrated at how difficult simple activities can be for us, exhausted mentally and physically, and had this sweet card in the mail from my Grandma.

It was perfect timing to remind me that my little ones do bring me a lot of joy and beauty and pride.....and will give me many happy memories tomorrow (assuming I let them live that long!) Thank you Grandma Dotty! That sweet card & RyDaddy coming home and taking K-Rae out of the house awhile so Little Miss Mae and I could nap a couple of hours=a much happier Mama!
Happy Mother's Day to all of you Moms!
Happy Mother's Day to you Jessica! I very much enjoy keeping in touch through your blog! Thank you for the gift too. It's great to have a pic of all of you!!