K-Rae wanted to know if she could "make a movie for baby for Valentine's Day..."
My job? "Stand there and smile..."
And I convinced her to take the obligatory baby book shots for me....seriously ready to pop--just about 37 weeks!!! According to my "trusty" internet site for baby facts:
"Space is getting cramped." (You don't say---I wonder if whoever wrote this had to have a doctorate to figure that out!!!!!??????) "There should be no problem if it is born any time from now on...." (OK, I can go for that--today would've been just fine!) "Since it is less roomy in the uterus, your baby cannot move much so you are unlikely to feel as many kicks and elbows" (Ummmm, wrong.....I pretty much feel like there is a small earthquake going on in my belly all of the time!!!)
That video cracked me up! Little bit of everything in that letter to baby!