K-Rae started violin lessons about 7 months ago.
She seems to have a natural knack for music.
She probably gets her music savvy from her Auntie Sara,
goodness knows she doesn't get it from her Mama!
Anyhow, Sunday was her first recital.
A new dress helped bribe her to go.
She managed to get more psyched up for it once she got into the auditorium;
here she is waiting in eager anticipation with Daddy...
She got more excited once she was up on stage getting ready to play with the group!
Creamie and Grandpa even made it up for the big event--
and Sammy thoroughly enjoyed "watching" the recital...
K-Rae played along really well,
and kept right up with all the big kids.
We were so proud of her!
There was some momentary distress,
which is to be expected with any first recital,
when the rest of the group continued to play
a few more movements to the song
that she really hasn't learned yet.
She thought she was supposed to know those parts---
we assured her she played what she was supposed to, and did a great job.
She managed some great poses for Mama afterward...
And the flowers her teacher Ms. Gretchen gave her after the recital,
seemed to fix everything for her,
and I don't think she was too traumatized,
as she has been playing recital with her dolls ever since then:
lining them up with their "violins"
and passing out flowers after they "do a good job!"
So I just want to say:
We're so proud of you and all your
hard work learning to play the violin!
Keep it up---and I bet you'll be playing
all the movements to the Twinkle Song next recital!
And while I'm sharing proud moments,
I'm going to take the liberty of being the blog author
to sneak one more proud moment into this posting---
as a proud wife....
of this handsome husband and wonderful Daddy....
I had the privilege of accompanying this amazing man
to an awards ceremony last night....
He's too humble to announce it,
but this handsome husband and amazing Daddy is
at Grand Junction Central High School for 2012.
His administrator had so many nice things to say about him....
and I would add--
that the balancing act RyDaddy
courageously performs each day doing his job at school and at home
with such endurance, patience, grace and humor
(not to mention on so little sleep that I'm not sure how he survives)
is truly an inspiring and humbling feat.
I'm so proud and fortunate to be his wife...
Here's a video clip I captured:
And the News was there....
and although he's not directly featured in this news video clip,
I know Grandma would love to see his name
on the list of teachers named in the article.
So proud of you Baby!
Keep up the good work!