Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Time Traditions

So I got a new camera....
the last one lasted about 6 months...
so, I bought the 3-year disaster warranty for this new one!
But I haven't had time to even download the manual yet....
Plus it's more entertaining to learn things by trial and error I suppose.....
Anyhow, I somehow deleted a few days worth of pictures in the process of not knowing how to use my camera very well, no pics of egg dyeing and not sure what else got deleted, but I'll share with you what I didn't manage to destroy in my process of trial and error learning! I'm pretty impressed with my camera so far though...a Nikon Coolpix P300....I'll probably be even more impressed once I actually learn how to do more than just turn it on and push the shutter!
Checking out all the Easter basket goodies

 Ooooohhhhhh.....I love my new squeaky giraffe!
 Quote of the day: 
"Doesn't the Easter Bunny know he's supposed to make the eggs harder to find?"
 "Hi Grandma & Sammy!"
 Ready for Easter Sunday church......
 Mom made me put this bonnet on for a picture......
 "....but I'm a princess and should be wearing a sparkly crown!"
 First family picture with the 5 of us.....
And as fun as all the traditional Easter activities are, 
the girls' favorite "Easter" activity by far is washing feet.....
just like Jesus....
and this year they were especially excited to wash Sammy's feet!

And here's a couple pictures from today....
especially for you Auntie Kara, 
since you haven't seen any pics of Sam-Sam's hair lately---
(yes, he got a bath today!)
Seems like his hair is more fluffy than curly right now,
but he's getting more of it instead of losing it,
so that makes Mama happy! 
Handsome little man, if I do say so myself!

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