Friday, February 15, 2013

I love school programs...

....Especially since I'm not an elementary teacher any longer!
I distinctly remember not caring much at all for programs as a teacher;
but as a parent...well.....yeah, I LOVE school programs!
Thank you teachers for all the work that go into these programs!
Before the program, 
Lil' Miss Mae had to spend some time lecturing us:
"Please do no use the bathroom during the middle of the program, K-Rae!"
"Please do not talk..." etc... She got us pretty well lined out!
The 2nd grade program was patriotic,
complete with songs, choreography, and dancing.  
The teachers came up with a great way for Lil' Miss Mae participate .
She just had a blast up there....and cute, cute, cute......maybe I'm partial.
Anyhow, here's a few video clips...
you'll probably be partial too!
I think this one was her favorite...
the theme song of the Marines.  
She has been typing out the lyrics to it on 
her talker for weeks now!
Love how we catch a bit of her singing here:
And doing the actions here...
She's in the back for this one, but she had a great time with her flags!
And I'm pretty sure she's trying to be the center of attention here...
Bubba loved it too!
Well done kiddos!
And after the program, Lil' Miss Mae was way excited 
to show me how she can walk all-by-herself down the hall
at school now....
to be honest with you,
that is something I never expected to see!
I continue to be surprised.  
She is "training" to walk in the 
Special Olympics this year unassisted!
Can't wait to see it!
 A few pics from the evening:
 Talking with her friend "A" afterward.
 These girls have been friends and in the same class together since kdg.
 Dear, sweet Ms. Connie, Lil' Miss Mae's aide at school.
And proud little sissy---
her program will be in May for kindergarten graduation!!!!
Where does time go?????? Please stop growing!!!!

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