Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Little Miss Mae: This one's for you....

So, we have an annual family tradition of attending the NightVision festival in Olathe,  Colorado each year.  This is our 6th consecutive year to attend.  Basically, it's a two day free festival with some pretty outstanding musical artists each year.  For those of you "in the know" on contemporary Christian music, we've seen Third Day, Newsboys, Jeremy Camp, Michael W. Smith, Mercy Me...just to name a few of the amazing bands we've had the privilege to see....and two years ago at the festival, we were  introduced to "T-Bone."  I really can't say were strong fans of Christian rap music until T-Bone....Little Miss Mae somehow fell head over heals in love with T-Bone and his music though....Here she is two years ago with T-Bone......and she has said on her talker ever since: "My favorite singer is T-Bone.  He sings rap music.  T-Bone gave me a kiss on the cheek!"  Yes, it's true....and T-Bone made her year.  
Well, we really didn't keep up with T-Bone for awhile, although he still kept a fond place in Little Miss Mae's heart. And here is a glimpse of the look on Little Miss Mae's face, when the "Mystery Artist" for NightVision this year, was announced as, yes, none other than: T-Bone!
I'm sure our friends wondered what in the world was going on as we recklessly abandoned them and ran down to the front.... 
 As you can see, K-Rae wasn't quite sure what all the hype was about....(w/ Auntie Kara)

Here are some clips from the T-Bone portion of the festival:
Little Miss Mae LOVES T-Bone:

K-Rae, not so sure.....

Here is T-Bone's Fast rap:
And in Spanish:

And in Chinese:

And of course we had to get T-Bone's autograph, and Auntie Kara spoiled Little Miss Mae with her very own T-Bone CD.
And I think Little Miss Mae surprised T-Bone this time by giving him a kiss on the cheek!
Hope to see you next year at the NightVision Festival T-Bone, and thanks for making Little Miss Mae's  year again!


  1. Sweet! So happy for her-- we still want to make it out there one of these summers!

  2. That is awesome! She is just adorable.

  3. How precious! Chloe- we're going to have to check out T-Bone on iTunes to hear his music!!
