Thursday, July 7, 2011

So, what has been going on this summer???

 Well, typical summer activities.....
A visit to the Dinosaur Museum....
The robotic T-Rex is so realistic!
K-Rae went to VBS---and surprised us by coming home with the award one day for the best behavior!
The dog got groomed....(isn't he too cute?)
Our "two" puppies have been entertaining each other well...yes, K-Rae still currently considers herself a dog!
Little Miss Mae loved her day at horse camp...(more on that another time.)
We've spent some time on the road visiting Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada....
A LOT of time actually...two weeks & 3000 miles!  (Highlights on the road trip to come later.)
We enjoyed a visit from Auntie Sara & Uncle Johnny...although one night isn't nearly long enough!
The girls are always well entertained with Uncle Johnny around!
And time with Grandma "Tree" is always a favorite!
And K-Rae has some news to announce........
    (Not sure how we had time for that to happen in the midst of this crazy summer schedule!)
    And RyDaddy--I think you're out numbered........
    And what to you think Little Miss Mae????
    Yes, we're all pretty excited!


    1. Congratulations Wayts! K-Rae doesn't seem to know what a baby brother is, that was too cute! =) When are you due?

    2. Such great videos, what sweet memories to have captured ;) Congrats Wayt Family!!!!
