Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Entertainment by kids, a continuing saga

Eating is a messy business, especially for this little piggy-
who now mostly insists on feeding himself!
 ....and sometimes you just gotta get comfortable at the table!
(How is it that all rules get thrown out for the 3rd child???)
 The kiddos got thoroughly spoiled by their aunties last weekend...
& Mom and Dad got spoiled too, and got to go to Prom, again, 
for about the 10th time maybe----as sponsors for the 10:30-12:30 a.m. shift!----
yes, I'm pretty hard-up for a date with my hubby lately, if hanging out with a bunch of rowdy high schoolers counts as a date!
Outdoor Heritage Days was a lot of fun...
our first time to attend this event, 
but hopefully it will be the start of a new annual tradition!
The girls were given free fishing poles and salmon eggs.
Lil' Miss Mae fishes like her mama...if nothing bites in about 5 minutes, enough of that!  
 (And since Mama was the one helping her, that's probably why nothin' was bitin'
but at least I know how to put salmon eggs on and cast the silly line! 
Thank you Sampa, for teaching me at least that much!  
Maybe the lesson on how to actually get the silly things to bite is still yet to come!)
So...... out of boredom, Lil' Miss Mae headed to the archery clinic,
(by herself, mind you---& sent mama into a small panic when I turned around and she was gone--
she can manage to get lost pretty fast too in a group of 2000+ people and her "zoom-zoom.") 
Once I caught up with her, we went to the archery clinic together.....
And as for that T-Rex, 
and our little nature loving gal, 
she surprised us and had great fun shooting it!
And oh yes, our persistent one managed to catch a fish---she was quite proud!
So are you ready for a fish story??? 
I missed the actual event, 
as I was recording the shooting of a T-Rex & wrangling a one-year-old at the same time, 
but someone got the cute pic above and emailed it to us...
anyway, you'll get the idea....
Showing her catch off to her "bff," whose response was "ewwwww!"
Coming up next posting, whenever that might be....talent show!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Kindergarten Program: K-Rae 2013

School programs are always quite entertaining...
 especially K-Rae's kdg. program this past week.
 The interesting theme song for the program was "My Grandfather's Clock,"
which is apparently an old British children's song, but was new to me.
I've heard it practice so many times in the past couple months though
that I now have it memorized too!
 Wikipedia explains the song like so....
"The song, told from a grandson's point of view, is about his grandfather's longcase clock. It is purchased on the morning of his grandfather's birth and works perfectly for ninety years. When the grandfather dies the clock suddenly stops, and never works again."  Sorry Grandfathers!
Here's the version with all the kiddos and the motions.
(if you think this looks like a lot of kiddos--you are right
There are 25+ kiddos in each class, and this is only two classes, 
morning and afternoon combined....& this was their first time to really ever even see each other!)
And the clock "movements" turning.....
and a bit of fun chaos...
and a bit more....

God bless the kindergarten teachers, right?!! 
These kiddos have some ENERGY!
Both of our girls have been blessed by this wonderful Christian kindergarten teacher.
The classroom assistant is an amazing lady too.

K-Rae's best friend....
Lil' Miss Mae and her friends....
And burning off some of that post-program energy!
 Hard to believe K-Rae's kindergarten year is just about over...
sigh....where does time go??? These kiddos are growing up fast!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Let's take a minute, and laugh....

Yes, Bubba is:
.....emulating what he "sees"....(video clip)
Apparently I must shake the laundry a lot, 
and smell it too.....
gotta decide what really needs washed or not, right???
But I'm puzzled as to where the kissing the laundry behavior came from????!!!

I have a feeling he is going to be an early reader like his sissy too....
He just absolutely LOVES books.
Oh, and about 2 min. before this video was taken, the living room was clean.

Anyhow, he keeps us chuckling around here!  Gotta love that little guy!
So silly!

Monday, April 8, 2013


New dresses from Grandma Tree
K-Rae enjoying the daffodils that bloomed from the bulbs she planted last fall!

Little Ladies' Man....
(K-Rae's little man, that is!!!!)
Mama's big "helpers" with the laundry....
I mean "little pigs playing in the mud," according to K-Rae.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Fun 2013

Country life suits Bubba.....
 He comes by it naturally, like Grandpa, like grandson.....

And Lil' Miss Mae is ready to move to where we can have our own animals....
 K-Rae performed at the Victory Life Church Easter Egg hunt, 
raising "tips" for the Boys & Girls Missionary Club.
Lil' Miss Mae waits anxiously next to her "BFF" for the egg hunt to begin.
 And at Easter, "we decorate eggs with lots of bright colors, but Jesus is the one who colors our world everyday!" (excerpt taken from  Let's Celebrate Jesus on Easter.  This book is a bargain price of $2.31 at amazon.com, and has been one of my favorites to use every Easter. I really like how this book talks about the fun childhood traditions of Easter....eggs, candy, new clothes, Easter baskets...and uses those things to tie into what is truly important about Easter.....you should definitely pick this one up to put up and save for next Easter if you have young ones!)
The Easter Bunny made it to our house....
although K-Rae didn't take any chances and filled her own Easter "basket" and placed it under her bar stool at some point and time without being noticed!
 Christmas or Easter?  Hmmmm.......
Eggs were hidden, and found, but not before a good drink out of the new sippy cup!
 Grandma Tree joined us for Easter,
 a tradition I love....
(and not just because she manages to fix the girls' hair so pretty each Easter!)
and the kids look forward to her joining us for this special holiday each year.
And we all made it to church  
(except for RyDaddy, who is a heathen...just kidding, who had hernia surgery on Good Friday---not so good of Friday for him this year, but he is beginning to recover and we've been fortunate to have good help this past week and a half!) 
 Can't say much for the cooperation on after church pictures, 
would like to blame it on the photographer being high on Vicodin....
but there's only so much you can do with tired kiddos, so will post a couple anyway!  
There's my happier boy!