Country life suits Bubba.....
He comes by it naturally, like Grandpa, like grandson.....
And Lil' Miss Mae is ready to move to where we can have our own animals....
K-Rae performed at the Victory Life Church Easter Egg hunt,
raising "tips" for the Boys & Girls Missionary Club.
Lil' Miss Mae waits anxiously next to her "BFF" for the egg hunt to begin.
And at Easter, "we decorate eggs with lots of bright colors, but Jesus is the one who colors our world everyday!" (excerpt taken from Let's Celebrate Jesus on Easter. This book is a bargain price of $2.31 at, and has been one of my favorites to use every Easter. I really like how this book talks about the fun childhood traditions of Easter....eggs, candy, new clothes, Easter baskets...and uses those things to tie into what is truly important about should definitely pick this one up to put up and save for next Easter if you have young ones!)
The Easter Bunny made it to our house....
although K-Rae didn't take any chances and filled her own Easter "basket" and placed it under her bar stool at some point and time without being noticed!
Christmas or Easter? Hmmmm.......
Eggs were hidden, and found, but not before a good drink out of the new sippy cup!
Grandma Tree joined us for Easter,
a tradition I love....
(and not just because she manages to fix the girls' hair so pretty each Easter!)
and the kids look forward to her joining us for this special holiday each year.
And we all made it to church
(except for RyDaddy, who is a heathen...just kidding, who had hernia surgery on Good Friday---not so good of Friday for him this year, but he is beginning to recover and we've been fortunate to have good help this past week and a half!)
Can't say much for the cooperation on after church pictures,
would like to blame it on the photographer being high on Vicodin....
but there's only so much you can do with tired kiddos, so will post a couple anyway!
There's my happier boy!
I absolutely love that last photo of the sisters-- so sweet!