Monday, April 29, 2013

Kindergarten Program: K-Rae 2013

School programs are always quite entertaining...
 especially K-Rae's kdg. program this past week.
 The interesting theme song for the program was "My Grandfather's Clock,"
which is apparently an old British children's song, but was new to me.
I've heard it practice so many times in the past couple months though
that I now have it memorized too!
 Wikipedia explains the song like so....
"The song, told from a grandson's point of view, is about his grandfather's longcase clock. It is purchased on the morning of his grandfather's birth and works perfectly for ninety years. When the grandfather dies the clock suddenly stops, and never works again."  Sorry Grandfathers!
Here's the version with all the kiddos and the motions.
(if you think this looks like a lot of kiddos--you are right
There are 25+ kiddos in each class, and this is only two classes, 
morning and afternoon combined....& this was their first time to really ever even see each other!)
And the clock "movements" turning.....
and a bit of fun chaos...
and a bit more....

God bless the kindergarten teachers, right?!! 
These kiddos have some ENERGY!
Both of our girls have been blessed by this wonderful Christian kindergarten teacher.
The classroom assistant is an amazing lady too.

K-Rae's best friend....
Lil' Miss Mae and her friends....
And burning off some of that post-program energy!
 Hard to believe K-Rae's kindergarten year is just about over...
sigh....where does time go??? These kiddos are growing up fast!

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