Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cardboard Christmas

So Christmas morning brought a lot of cardboard to our house....
and not necessarily the nice small gift box kind you package presents in, although there were plenty of those floating around too....
K-Rae decided to ask Santa for a club house she could paint.  Little Miss Mae, not to be left out, and with no intentions of sharing a gift, asked Santa for a castle she could paint...
and not just any castle mind you; she looked on-line for an hour and a half for a very specific castle she had in mind, complete with drawbridge.  
Santa did not disappoint.  
Santa's elves however, 
must have had quite the challenge getting those very large structures down the chimney.....
and I wonder if they ever contemplated how we are supposed to store these things!
The clubhouse had to be painted immediately (about 8 a.m. Christmas morning....)
 And more cardboard.......
I had hinted to Grandma Tree for these awesome building blocks early on, 
before the large cardboard structures had been requested! 
However, it is all being enjoyed....and at times takes over our living room! 
Little Miss Mae is yet to paint her castle...please come visit and help out with that process! 

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