It's "Tebow Tag!"
A note came home from school yesterday reminding the students that today is orange and blue day at Little Miss Mae's school. I had forgotten about this...I looked through the closet, nothing at all....Hmmmm...I called RyDaddy and begged him to go find something for Little Miss Mae to wear to participate....He did great right?!? I mean, how cute does she look??? When RyDaddy gave her the hoody, I asked Little Miss Mae if she knows why she is having orange and blue day at school, the reply was,"No." So then I asked her if she knows who the Broncos are; and much to her Daddy's dismay (and certainly don't tell Grandpa!!!), the answer was again "no." He reminded her they had watched part of a game together a few weeks ago....since we don't watch T.V., there are at times, certain cultural aspects (but also a lot of junk!!!) we miss out on.
Anyhow, then I asked her, do you know who Tebow is, and this position was immediately the "response"...........LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!! How did she learn this? "Tebow Tag" in P.E. class of course!
Oh my goodness Chloe - no one Tebows better than you! God bless!! What a great story - thanks for posting it!