Friday, February 21, 2014

"One of those days"....

No, actually maybe "one of those years".....
or probably more accurately, "one of those lives".....!
My first posting of 2014 is happening about 8 weeks into the "new" year!  
Well, I've been sort of busy:
we have toddlerhood with Bubba.....
I know, he looks so sweet and innocent, except for when he's very busy 
breaking and entering into his sissies' rooms while they are at school!  
He loves "helping" mama---and keeping mama very busy.
Anyhow----back to "one of those days."  
Just as I was about to get Lil' Miss Mae dressed this a.m....
I realized her full body-suit she wears under her clothes (it's a tight fitting suit that really stabilizes her walking), was still in the washer.  Not being willing to risk her falling by sending her to school without it, I tried to brainstorm the next option.....and being the good parent I am, decided to let her and K-Bug stay home from school for the a.m., and tag along to the safety fair at the mall with Sammy and I and do some shopping at Target....They have some money, more like some special Valentine gift cards from Meemaw, burning a hole in their cute little purses from Meemaw as all dressed up and......
nowhere to go.........the van door with the ramp for Lil' Miss Mae's wheelchair makes a loud snapping sound and will not open, and that was that....I texted RyDaddy, attempting to stay "The van door will not open," but the swipe function on my phone insisted on saying the "da#* door will not open," which was pretty much summed it up anyhow.  So he came home to check on it, and confirmed that yes indeed, the van door will not open, and we were in fact going nowhere other than now walking to school......sigh.......
so safety fair canceled, shopping trip postponed, but the body suit did manage to get dried in all that, and off to school!  As for the van, I don't know.....
and life, even one of those lives!" goes on....
with plenty of reasons to smile.